Course curriculum

    1. Wednesday, April 17, 2024 at 11AM/CDT Gridwork Facilitator 2.0: Introductory Class on Fundamentals, Lexicon Expansion, and Protocol Mastery

    2. Replay - Class 1: Introductory Class on Fundamentals, Lexicon Expansion, and Protocol Mastery

    3. Wednesday, April 17, 2024 at 2PM/CDT Mastering Gridwork Facilitation: Tools, Preparation, and Selecting Prime Missions for Remote and On-Location Sessions

    4. Replay - Class 2: Mastering Gridwork Facilitation: Tools, Preparation, and Selecting Prime Missions for Remote and On-Location Sessions

    5. Itinerary Practice Outline ~ Gridwork Facilitator 2.0 2024

    6. Instruction Outline for Itinerary~ Gridwork Facilitator 2.0 2024 PDF

    7. Instruction Outline for Itinerary~ Gridwork Facilitator 2.0 2024 Word Document

    8. Resources for Gridwork Studies

    9. Remote Viewing Coursework "Recommended Study"

    10. Gridwork Playlist

    11. Mastering Spiritual Resilience ~ Installing Sacred Relics, Shields, and Astral/Holographic Armor. Building your Warrioress/Warrior

    1. Thursday, April 18, 2024 at 11AM/CDT Gridwork Ethics: Addressing Malpractice and Community Infiltration

    2. Replay - Class 3: Gridwork Ethics: Addressing Malpractice and Community Infiltration

    3. Thursday, April 18, 2024 at 2PM/CDT Mastering Reversal Stargates: Navigating the Most Challenging Grid Sites and Locations on Earth

    4. Replay - Class 4: Mastering Reversal Stargates: Navigating the Most Challenging Grid Sites and Locations on Earth

    5. Shadow Checklist Before Working on Reversal Stargates

    6. Organic vs. Artificial & Stargate Mechanics "Recommended Study"

    7. Tips and Guidelines for Boots On the Ground Gridwork/ On Location Session Work

    1. Friday, April 19th, 2024 at 11AM/CDT Starforts in Galactic Gridwork: Harmonizing Planetary Energies and Architectural Defense Strategies

    2. Replay - Class 5: Starforts in Galactic Gridwork: Harmonizing Planetary Energies and Architectural Defense Strategies

    3. Friday, April 19, 2024 at 2PM/CDT Understanding Planetary Weapons Systems: Essential Insights for Global Readers and Conductors of Planetary Energy and Direction

    4. Replay - Class 6 Part 1: Understanding Planetary Weapons Systems: Essential Insights for Global Readers and Conductors of Planetary Energy and Direction

    5. Replay - Class 6 Part 2: Understanding Planetary Weapons Systems: Essential Insights for Global Readers and Conductors of Planetary Energy and Direction

    1. Saturday, April 20, 2024 at 10AM/CDT Sacred Planetary Defense Systems: Unveiling Ancient Wisdom for Organic Power Generation, Earthly Spiritual Transformation, and Accessing Inner Earth Gates

    2. Replay - Class 7: Sacred Planetary Defense Systems: Unveiling Ancient Wisdom for Organic Power Generation, Earthly Spiritual Transformation, and Accessing Inner Earth Gates

    3. Saturday, April 20, 2024 at 2PM/CDT Gridwork Facilitator 2.0 Remote Group Mission: Preparing for Kauai, Hawaii Inner Earth Gate Access, Pole Correction, and Extracting the Inner Earth Saturn Cube Remote Access

    4. Replay - Class 8 Part 1: Remote Group Mission: Preparing for Kauai, Hawaii Inner Earth Gate Access, Pole Correction, and Extracting the Inner Earth Saturn Cube Remote Access

    5. Replay - Class 8 Part 2: Remote Group Mission: Preparing for Kauai, Hawaii Inner Earth Gate Access, Pole Correction, and Extracting the Inner Earth Saturn Cube Remote Access

    6. Replay - Class 8 Part 3: Remote Group Mission: Preparing for Kauai, Hawaii Inner Earth Gate Access, Pole Correction, and Extracting the Inner Earth Saturn Cube Remote Access

    7. Itinerary: Remote Group Gridwork Session 4-20-2024

    8. A Tribute to My Students! Congratulations Gridwork Facilitator Graduates❤️ Love Indie

About this course

  • $452.00
  • 31 lessons
  • 4-Day Live Class Event April 17, 2024 to April 20, 2024

Enhance Your Gridwork Abilities

In the Gridwork Facilitator 2 Course, you will gain in-depth knowledge in implementing high-level gridwork experiences in your remote and boots-on-the-ground gridwork sessions with critical techniques and methodologies known to bring forth significant planetary changes and revolution. This course will cover all basics and vital points taught in the first gridwork facilitation course in 2022/2023, with an expansion into more profound topic subject matters of gridwork, such as expanded gridwork fundamentals, extended gridwork anatomy, gridwork malpractice, detailed reversal stargate mechanics, starforts, and so much more. The focus of this course will be to excel past the previous course teachings and upgrade to the next level of gridwork abilities! So I hope my students from the first course come back and join me for round 2! It is not required to take the prior gridwork facilitator course; it is only recommended.